This is my Log Book on different HAM's services.
On the HRDLOG and e-Qsl services, QSO's are updated automatically during my
work on the air. Other services, such as QRZ, QRZCQ, HAMQth, LoTW and Hamlog - are uploaded after the 25th -26th at
the end of each month. My opinion in points RS: where R-is legibility and quality, and S-is popularity among radio amateurs.
My opinion about this service: 1.So far, briefly: 59+30dB!
2.Later in detail.
Full access to my this log book for registered users only.
My opinion about this services:
1.So far, briefly: 59+10dB!
2.Later in detail.
My opinion about this service:
1.So far, briefly: 59+20dB!
2.Later in detail.
My opinion about this service:
1.So far, briefly: 59+5dB!
2.Later in detail.
My opinion about this service:
1.So far, briefly: 47.
2.Later in detail.
Full access to these logs for registered users only.
My opinion about this services:
1.So far, briefly: left-45 right-55.
2.Later in detail.